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William Buck (Qld) donates retinal camera to Cunnamulla Health Centre

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We would like to thank William Buck (Qld) for their ongoing support of the Foundation, especially their most recent act of generosity–donating a much needed retinal camera and other urgent medical items to Assoc. Prof. Noel Hayman and the Cunnamulla* Health Centre in South West Queensland.

Indigenous adults report six times more blindness than the non-Indigenous population, and the sad fact is that 94% of their vision loss is unnecessary, preventable or treatable.

Diabetes retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, yet simple screening for diabetes retinopathy prevents blindness.

This means the provision of high quality eye services plays a fundamental part of and is extremely important for improving the health of Indigenous communities.

Thanks to the amazing support of William Buck (Qld), patients of Cunnamulla Health Centre are now able to have a retinal photo taken. Each image, via tele-health, will help identify those with diabetes retinopathy. Within a few weeks a visiting ophthalmologist will then use a laser or inject the eye to restore sight. Prior to Cunnamulla receiving the retinal camera, a patient could wait for many years for such treatment.

*Cunnamulla is a small town that lies on the Warrego River in South West Queensland, 206 kilometres south of Charleville.

Images - Above right: Cunnamulla Health Centre staff member with the new retinal camera. Below (left to right): Our Foundation Manager, Colleen Harper recently visited Assoc. Prof. Noel Hayman (AMA Queensland member) in Cunnamulla to see the new camera in action; and also caught up with some of the children and teachers at Cunnamulla State School Early Years Centre.


  Foundation Manager, Colleen Harper visited Assoc. Prof. Noel Haymen recently to see the new retinal camera in action